Sunday, August 11, 2013

We are equal

The discrimination in our society is an act very common, through our actions, words and apathy we disqualify a guy, ethnic group or a community in particular. The concepts like xenophobia, segregation, discrimination, etc., caused a lot of conflict in the history, for example: The segregation in The United States of America, the base for the Nazi's ideology, alleged supremacy between white over blacks people, etc. But the discrimination is not just a racial issue, is more than that, we can see other cases like religion, social class, preferences, and other things that society of today fight for the mutual acceptance
Where does it come the idea that white people are better than black people? Ones of my theories is that in the Middle Ages, Catholics were the only ones those who dominated everything and through their ideas and people's ignorance they could control laws and different ideologies in that moment; in this period was where the idea about the black with the sin and the white with purity comes, that is why we associated the white with the good, purity, divine and superiority and the black we associated with the sin, bad things and inferiority. Many times, the reason of those discrimination are just collectives, I mean, we follow what people say about some social group; the stereotypes plays an important role when we discriminate, the stereotypes are like little mind's  boxes  and they are made just to classify and organize in our head a group of people, and we know due to their behaviors, preferences, social classes, etc.

It's amazing how ideologies can move a huge crowd of people; Martin Luther King was able to create worldwide awareness about what was happening to black people in The United State, he was able to create a revolution never seen before, but in other way we have Adolf Hitler, a man who left a mark in the universal history of humanity , his ideology was based upon a complete discrimination against Jews, disabled people and black people; he thought that white people were higher, perfect and better than other kind of race. Perhaps today we don't see revolutionary instances but discrimination has been a factor very common in everybody; sometimes we can't accept other ways of thinking and if we want eradicate those stereotypes, we have to change our mindset.

If we want to understand the cultural diversity, is necessary learn to live with different kind of people; we have the ability to eradicate stereotypes around so we can provide a change against the discrimination and we have to know that in the only thing that we are equal, is that we are different.

Here, some cases of discrimination:


  1. You right! we follow all the stereotypes and and we are not able to change that aspect, maybe because is much easier to follow "the current" instead to think a little further.

  2. We all know that nowodays we ALL are always driscriminating, if anyone sais that thet dont discriminate it is false, I think We even discrimate people who discrimate, for example if someone is homophobic We discriminate that person, because don't think like We do, I think that the "discrimination" is something that We have in our brain, and it wil never change.
